TOPIC 1玛雅文明及其衰败
Non-ecological theories of Maya decline are divided into several subcategories, such as overpopulation, foreign invasion, peasant revolt, and the collapse of key trade routes. Ecological hypotheses (theories) include environmental disaster, epidemic disease, and climate change. There is evidence that the Maya population exceeded the carrying capacity of the environment including exhaustion of agricultural potential and overhunting of the large animals in the area. Some scholars have recently theorized that an intense 200 year drought led to the collapse of Maya civilization.
TOPIC 2生态区间与资源共享
实验证明以上:在一个试管(tube)里养两种生命体(organism),结果最后只有一种存活了。得出结论两种竞争的生物在资源有限的同一时间同一环境下不能同时存活。第二次实验,把两种生物分别放在试管底部(tube bottom)和溶液(solution)表面,结果它们就都存活了,因为它们不争资源。
The term niche differentiation as it applies to the field of ecology, refers to the process by which natural selection drives competing species into different patterns of resource use or different niches. This process allows two species to partition certain resources so that one species does not out-compete the other. Thus, coexistence is obtained through the differentiation of their realized ecological niches.
Spatial resource partitioning occurs when two competing species use the same resource by occupying different areas or habitats within the range of occurrence of the resource. Spatial partitioning can occur at small scales (microhabitat differentiation) or at large scales (geographical differentiation). Microhabitat differentiation occurs when two competing species with overlapping home ranges partition a resource. Two examples would be different species of fish feeding at different depths in a lake or different species of monkey feeding at different heights in a tree. Geographical differentiation is when two competing species have non-overlapping home ranges and thus partition resources. An example might be given with monkeys again: two competing species of monkey using the same species of fruit trees, but in different areas of the forest.
“第二篇”关于“生态区间”则属于“Reading To Learn”的范畴。能够将其相关的映射关键词(在考前班有过详细的论述)的概念摸清其含义,就已达到阅读的目的。那么这里的还原主要针对两个概念进行梳理--“Niche Differentiation”和“Geographic Isolation”。这两个概念是物种竞争与分化类话题的共同话题。我们多进行这样的阅读,实际上一种以不变应万变的备考及复习方式。
来源:中国教育在线 http://www.toefldb.com