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托福代报分享 托福写作优秀范文演练:员工培训对公司的意义[返回列表]

  • 时间:2015/04/10
  • 阅读:2485


        【观点类 + 作业类】   The most important investment for a big company is to improve the efficiency and proficiency of its employees. 进步职工技术是公司最主要的出资,是不是认同?(2012年9月16日)   

        【脑筋风暴导语】   有谁愿躲在避风的港口,宁愿波涛汹涌的自在。小鹏哥最敬服的两类人:一是文学家;二是公司家。从前,我和欧亚总裁曹平和沟通,他的言语浮光掠影:“男子即是要走一条披荆斩棘之路。”公司的企字,上面为人,下面停止,众归则才聚,才聚则公司强。21世纪最贵的是人才。公司间的竞赛,终归还是人才的竞赛。伟人集团的史玉柱破产之时,还有百人的创业团队据守在其身旁,坚信重整旗鼓。马云创业的地方,依靠是18罗汉。因而,一流的公司都有标准化的职工训练流程,关于高管,也会定时供给提升职业技术的机会。关于是创业者,进步职工效能,增强职工归属感一定是公司开展的底子。   

        【点评】   学术类论文写作,SAT引荐一边倒支撑写法,雅思引荐退让辩驳写法,托福引荐退让辩驳和一边倒支撑两种写法。一边倒支撑主题明晰;逻辑明晰;易得高分,但要用三个论据和丰满的证实去证实作家立场,绝非易事。本题小鹏哥分享的是一边倒支撑原题观点的写法,期望能够抛砖引玉。   


【自创语料库】   1. on-the-job training for the internal employees n在职职工的训练   2. managerial skills and experiences n办理技术和阅历   3. fill managerial position v满意办理职位   4. sb could have the particular skills and experiences required for the job 或人能够具有作业所需求的技术和阅历   5. impose a good impact on = have a really positive influence on v有活跃的影响   6. play a more important role in v在……方面发挥主要的作用   7. motivate employees v激起职工   8. entice and encourage employees v招引和鼓励职工   9. create feelings of optimism v带来达观心情   10. those employees with highest skills and experiences n有丰厚的阅历和高明技术的职工   11. high achiever n高效职工   12. invest in the training of their employees v 投入职工训练   13. generate more economic value v带来更多的经济价值   14. enhance the reputation of the firms in the fierce competition v在剧烈竞赛中,进步公司的美誉度   15. produce more professionally well-trained staff v培育更多高效职工   【自创语料库】   1. The competitions among corporations have become increasingly fierce nowadays. 现在,公司之间的竞赛变得日益剧烈。   2. Whether the most worthwhile investment for a company is the cultivation of internal employees’ abilities and skills has ignited public debate. 是不是公司最有价值的出资即是内部职工的才能和技术培育导致公众的争议。   3. Large companies typically have established standards for management and employees and therefore have recognized employee-training programs and standardized dispute resolution methods. 大型公司关于办理层和职工都有明晰准则,而且确立了职工训练方案以及标准化的争端解决策略。   4. In order to generate more economic value and realize the sustainable development , the companies should allocate more financial budget to the training for their employees. 为了发明更多的经济价值以及完成可持续性开展,公司应当在职工培育方面投入更多财力。   5. The most striking advantage is that the motivation of the employees will be highly inspired, in this sense, they can fulfill their tasks efficiently. 最显着的利好即是这能够激起职工的作业效能,因而,他们能够高效完成任务。   6. Qualified and frequent trainings enable the labors to work more actively, so, the profits the corporations could make will be greatly multiplied. 高效的惯常的训练使职工活跃努力作业,因而,公司能够获利。   7. Employees will have more passion and confidence after receiving professional trainings,meanwhile, the sense of being valued and respected by the corporations they are serving could successfully stabilize high achievers。承受职业训练后,职工愈加热情和自傲。一起,他们会有被公司注重和尊敬的感受,因而,高效职工不会丢失。   8. Paul has been carving out his own career after working for several companies . In the past, when green hands were hired, they needed a long period of time to adapt to the working conditions and familiarize themselves with the procedures 叔叔保罗,阅历职场,自我创业。在过去,新职工被雇佣后花费很长时刻适应作业以及了解作业流程。   9. Then my uncle begun to invest large sums of money providing professional trainings to make them excel professionally . 叔叔开端花费重金进步职业技术训练,以使他们精通业务。   10. Much to his relief, new employees are less likely to make mistakes and more likely to be adept at new jobs. 使叔叔无比欣慰的是:新职工很少犯错,更快擅长作业。   11. Polishing up the skills of the workers can, to larger extent, enhance the competitiveness of the firms. 进步职工技术,在很大程度上,能够进步公司的竞赛力。   12. There are a great many things business leaders can do to stabilize and prosper their corporations. 公司家能够做许多工作来完成公司的安稳和昌盛。   13. More precisely, managers can allocate the budget to advertisement or betterment of the equipment. However, it is the individual who has the most significant role to play in making companies function smoothly and efficiently , the benefits other activities bring in are obviously dwarfed. 具体而言,办理者能够分配猜测出资广告,能够改进设备,可是,由于人才是公司平稳地高效地工作的关键,别的的利好显着微乎其微。   14. High achievers can inject new life into the further development of the corporations 高效职工能够为公司的开展写入新鲜活力,   15. Therefore,the companies have to spend time and money training internal employees for their jobs. 因而,公司理应花时刻和财力训练内部职工。   托福写作才能的提升需求考生们不断拓宽思路,堆集范文语料,经过薛教师的剖析,托福代报名期望对大家接下来的托福作文备考有所协助。祝大家取得好成绩。





