托福归纳写作阅览资料: In the United States, employees typicallywork five days a week for eight hours each day. However, many employees want towork a four-day week and are willing to accept less pay in order to do so. Amandatory policy requiring companies to offer their employees the option of workinga four-day workweek for four-fifths (80 percent) of their normal pay wouldbenefit the economy as a whole as well as the individual companies and the employeeswho decided to take the option.
在美国,职工通常履行的一周五天,每天八小时作业制。可是,许多职工期望能够改为四天作业制,假如能够满足需求能够承受薪水下降。需求公司供给薪水多半作业四天的作业方式供职工挑选关于国家全部经济都是有优点的,一起获益的还有自个,以及履行这个方针的公司。 The shortened workweek would increasecompany profits because employees would feel more rested and alert, and as aresult, they would make fewer costly errors in their work. Hiring more staff toensure that the same amount of work would be accomplished would not result inadditional payroll costs because four-day employees would only be paid 80percent of the normal rate. In the end, companies would have fewer overworkedand error-prone employees for the same money, which would increase companyprofits.
削减作业日会进步公司的赢利,由于职工们会感到很轻松和精力,这样他们就会在作业中较少犯那些可能会带来丢失的过错。为了完结相同的作业量将需求雇佣更多的人手,可是这不意味着需求付出更多的薪水,这是由于四天作业日只需付出给每个职工80%的工资。这样,公司花相同的钱,职工这会过于劳累和失误连连了,这样将会进步公司的赢利。 For the country as a whole, one of theprimary benefits of offering this option to employees is that it would reduceunemployment rates. If many full-time employees started working fewer hours, someof their workload would have to be shifted to others. Thus, for every fouremployees who went on an 80 percent week, a new employee could be hired at the80 percent rate.
关于国家全体来说,给职工供给这样的挑选挑选的优点即是能够下降失业率。假如本来全职作业的人缩短了作业时刻以后,他们的有些作业就需求转给别的的职工。这样,假如每个职工每周都只作业80%的时刻,这样就能够以相同的作业时刻来雇佣新职工了。 Finally, the option of a four-day workweekwould be better for individual employees. Employees who could afford a lowersalary in exchange for more free time could improve the quality of their livesby spending the extra time with their families, pursuing private interests, orenjoying leisure activities.
最后,这种四天作业日的挑选关于职工自个来说也是有利的。那些能够承受用下降薪水来添加休息时刻的职工能够进步他们的日子质量,由于他们有更多的时刻陪家人、寻求自个的兴趣、以及享用一些休闲日子。 托福归纳写作阅览有些需求获取的观点是: - Main point: A mandatory policy requiringcompanies to offer their employees the option of working a four-day workweekfor four-fifths (80 percent) of their normal pay would benefit the economy as awhole as well as the individual companies and the employees who decided to takethe option. - Sub point 1: The shortened workweek wouldincrease company profits. - Sub point 2: the country as a whole willbenefits. - Sub point 3: the option of a four-dayworkweek would be better for individual employees.